Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Note from Flo Beasley, Registered Republican

I got this idea after Hillary Clinton called me twice yesterday.

Dear Bea,
Sorry I didn’t write sooner. Things have been pretty quiet around here since I retired. I am still collecting Beanie Babies though. There was some excitement today which is why I am writing. No sooner did I finish my Cream of Wheat this morning when the phone rang. Wouldn’t you know it was Mitt Romney. My hearing aid was whistling but I think he asked if he could count on my vote. Then he said something about driving me to the polls. Before I could give him my address he wished me a super Tuesday and that was that.
That was more than enough excitement for one day but later when I was setting down to watch my soaps the phone rang again. This time it was John McCain. He wanted my vote, too. I told him that Mitt had called earlier but he jabbered on about lowering my taxes and some surge he was having. That made me a little uncomfortable but then he said God Bless America and I said amen to that.
Anyway, I just wanted drop you a quick note before I walk over to Town Hall to vote. I just think it’s mighty peculiar that two fellows running for president would have nothing better to do on primary day than pester me so I’m voting for Ron Paul.
Your friend, Flo

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